2024 Exam Sector Review
How much is the UK exam sector worth? And what’s your Total Addressable Market?
Rage Against the Exam Regulatory Machine?
A sure BETT? Why the Absent Punner’s 'snap and sneer' stunts digital exam adoption, and ignores learner impact.
Can Gaming Developers Make Better Digital Exams?
Are digital exams given a free (green) pass?
Love Professional Career Invigilators! Leave Resting Actors to pull pints.
"But We Don't Have Enough Computers!" Delivering digital exams for UK schools
24 years ago we moved a big exam from paper to on-screen
2023 in Review
Crisis, what crisis?
How ChatGPT changes the assessment sector
From Wallflower to Dance Captain – three steps for our sector to lead assessment debate.
Who needs facts when a shrieking headline does the job?
Best Left Unsaid: Digging into what Ofqual’s e-assessment report omits
Boom and Bust - English Language Exams
Coming of Age – the e-Assessment Question
The Comeback Kid: Is formative assessment back for good?
When data gets uncomfortable - how does better assessment change UK university admission?
Chatting for better exams!