Privacy and Terms of Use
I respect website visitor privacy. I commit to preserve your online safety and privacy at any time you visit or communicate with this site. These Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are updated regular to explain how data is provided.
Collected Information
With best endeavours I aim to comply with the following Principles from Schedule One of the UK Data Protection Act. As the website is operational, data can be collected and processed in the following ways.
a1) Data regarding your visit(s) to this website and resources used are collected. This includes but not limited to: cookies, location, web traffic, weblogs.
a2) Any webforms completed permits data collection, such as registering for information.
Information Usage
Information stored or collected regarding visits helps enhance and offer visitor services.
b1) Any request you make of this site permits usage of the information provided. Information will not be sent or processed without explicit prior consent in compliance with EU General Data Protection (GDPR) Regulations (wef 25/05/2018) and those relating to Privacy and Electronic Communications (PECR), Data Protection, and any other mandatory legislation under the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
b2) Changes or improvements to the website may warrant use of information.
b3) A prior user who has agreed to provide personally identifiable information may be contacted by the website owner, but only where permission has been explicitly provided.
b4) Communications are only sent with specific consent.
b5) Any website visitor who refuses usage consent has the opportunity to decline. When consent is withdrawn, those details are removed permanently from systems.
b6) None of this collected information has personal identifiable characteristics. No information will be shared with third parties unless legally required.
Data Storage
c1) Website data is held by Wix on its servers in the United States and Europe, although its data processing and storage employees and contractors may be located outside of these areas. By submitting data and information, visitors agree to this transfer and storage of data. All reasonable steps and best endeavours are usesn to ensure personal data safety in agreement with this Privacy Policy.
c2) Information provided is stored on third party servers.
c3) Online data transmission cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure. All reasonable actions and best endeavours are used to protect information sent electronically. Transmission of visitor data is at the visitor's risk.
Information Disclosure
d1) From time to time, I may disclose personal information to organisations or individuals involved with work undertaken by me. This can include corporate parent companies, subsidiaries, or any other businesses engaged, if applicable.
d2) Third Party disclosure may occur for the following two reasons:
Selling any or all of this website and its content to a third party may result in sharing your information.
When legally required and to prevent fraud, information about visitors and their site visits can be disclosed.
Third Party Links may be discovered on this website. They have their own privacy policy, which you agree to when you click on the link. No responsbility is offered or given for third party links. Liability is not accepted for third party links.
Information Accessibility
UK and EU Data Protection law stipulates that data held on website visitors cannot be withheld. Legally applicable data access requests should be forwarded via email via Where legally applicable, a reasonable fee to cover request processing and despatch costs will be charged.
Cookies Policy
Cookies may be used to gather information regarding website services. This collected information will not have any personally identifiable data. It is statistical data about website visitors and how they used the website. No personal details will be shared that could identify any specific vistior. The cookie is stored on the hard drive or browser, with transferred information. The data sought by the cookie helps to improve the website. Every web browser has the ability to decline cookies.
Cookies are used to:
store a reference to a webform, which allows the user to complete it over multiple sessions;
distribute workload across web servers;
analyse user statistics.
Note: if cookies are declined, some website areas may not function.
Data Protection
I aim to comply with all the following Principles from Schedule 1 of the UK Data Protection Act as well as the UK Data Protection Bill
Data Protection Act Schedule 1 lists principles in the following terms:
Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless:
(i) at least one of the Schedule 2 conditions is met, and
(ii) in the case of sensitive personal data, at least one of the Schedule 3 conditions is also met.
Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
Personal data shall be adequate, relevant, and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed.
Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is absolutely necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.
Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area, unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.